Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rain, again

We lost our sunny days but I can't be upset because the azaleas are just grooving into their new homes in the front flower beds. Lot of new leaves growing out and the flower buds getting bigger. The real news: we may actually have some lilac blossoms this year! There are over a dozen blossom shoots so far.

I packed up so much stuff tonight. All the parts of my apron swap package, the red sweatshirt for David, and a package for Steph, one of my "honorary" daughters from Lill's undergraduate years. Love that kid-she's into forensics. Steph is nearing the end of a tough few years of school in NYC, but she'll come through it on top. Since she finally sent her address, I will send her the t shirt Lill has had for a while for her, her 07 Halloween treats, and the motor cycle momma dress I found at the thrift store. However, right here and now I am saying that I don't condone her riding that bike no matter how safe it is with its fat tire; and she better be wearing a helmet whenever she starts moving. good thing my hair's white already--some of the stuff these kids are doing would make me go gray!

I've been wearing my hematite for about three days straight and am hoping the healing vibes are working. Even though the tests are Monday, the earliest we might know something will be Wednesday.

I'm off to check the swap site, then to bed for the night.

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