Sunday, April 5, 2009

Good morning world

Well, I wasn't going to say anything about yesterday's adventure, but I think a short summary needs to be somewhere, and here is a good place as my daughters don't read this blog.....

We went to pick up the donated tortoise yesterday morning and,though I love him dearly, Lou side-tracked me while I was moving stuff in the trunk of Miss Lucy to make room for the stuff. I felt my pocket and thought the keys were there, unfortunately they weren't and got locked in the trunk when I closed the lid. Fast forward to 3A kid coming--he gets the door open, but the trunk release won't work because the key didn't open the door, the car thought we broke into it. Now, to add to this mixture, the house key was on the ring in the trunk. 3A kid drops me at the house where Lou was waiting with all the tortoise stuff (the folks had given him a ride home). We look, we debate. Of course we have really been on top of things and any door/window reachable is locked. The only house keys around are Dave next door-who isn't home-and people out of town. I win the debate: he steadies the ladder while I climb up to the second story bathroom window which isn't locked, open it and do a tuck-and-roll through into the bathtub. I open the door for him, he gives me that look, and we take the LeBaron and go get Miss Lucy. I will never do that again. The moral of the day: we are getting keys made to go in our wallets, and hiding one outside because he will NEVER let me climb that ladder that high again. And to be honest, I don't want to do it again.

On a much cooler note, Alan had registered my website and it is "under construction by Web-n-Data Services". After Monday's three ring circus we will start building what needs to go on. I'm really excited. Even if no one ever goes or buys anything, I will have fulfilled a post-raising children goal, and that is a good thing....

Lastly for this morning: I haven't heard if my swap partner got her stuff and I'm antsy to know....

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like quite a big adventure! Do you think it would make your daughters mad or that they'd think you were cool? I think you're cool! Did I miss something about a tortoise? And I will buy something from you and post on my blog about how cool you are and you will have a nice little business going in no time!
