My husband and I are finally the same age again, I am no longer the older woman in his life. We are in Cleveland visiting for the family reunion his dad wants, and already there have been two bids for Family Fun Day status: David didn't know airlines don't serve food anymore (where has he been?) and then the special van was the wrong one.....and we have a whole lot more days of this, and everyone else is coming in tomorrow.
I've been fairly good, mentally in a good place. Sewing hasn't really picked up, but then I think it's part of the mess the downstairs is...but at least it doesn't stink anymore.
I can't write anymore at the moment, there is too much "oh, is this about me or you" going on and I have to leave this room.
a personal space to muse about my days because I have never been able to maintain a journal
Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Good news from the doc front
I had an appointment today with the oncologist, Dr. Raj. My blood work is normal which means that the iron deficiency 6 weeks ago was probably from surgical blood loss. Dr. Raj is really happy with my progress and basically said-"go, I'll see you at year end". She's really pleased with how "natural" my body looks right now-and the "bounce-ability" of my breasts....I told her that the nail softness and hot flashes were the only side affects of the new drug she put me on, and when she looked concerned, I told I'd eat more jello and that I'd rather have 20 hot flashes a day then have cancer.
then I took Sarah out to MVA to get her permit again so she can think about getting her license. good thing I took a crochet project, we were there for about 3+ hours. But, she doesn't have to wait the six month period to take the test-that's only for first time permit holders, and we're on number 3. She'll spend a while brushing up her skills, then take the test and have it done with! Of course, it's my fault I never forced her to take her test right away, like it's my fault I never forced her to stay in dancing lessons....I think this is one of those damned if I do, damned if I don't areas of our relationship. She's off with bandie friends in the district, so Lou and I are going out for turkey club sandwiches to celebrate his great work week and my morning news.
then I took Sarah out to MVA to get her permit again so she can think about getting her license. good thing I took a crochet project, we were there for about 3+ hours. But, she doesn't have to wait the six month period to take the test-that's only for first time permit holders, and we're on number 3. She'll spend a while brushing up her skills, then take the test and have it done with! Of course, it's my fault I never forced her to take her test right away, like it's my fault I never forced her to stay in dancing lessons....I think this is one of those damned if I do, damned if I don't areas of our relationship. She's off with bandie friends in the district, so Lou and I are going out for turkey club sandwiches to celebrate his great work week and my morning news.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lots of Firsts Today
I have a list of firsts for today: I finished my "first" swap angel assignment-it will go into the mail on Monday. For it, I made coasters and an oven mitt for the "first" time. I can honestly say they are the "first" projects I've quilted. Not bad for a beginner....but I definitely will need a better light if I'm going to do anything like that again.
It was fun putting the package together. The recipient was from the dream vacation swap (before my time swapping-I'm still a newbie) and her dream was cycling through Italy and a food tour of France. I made the wonderful French Flea Market apron from Busy Bee Designs-and this pattern is definitely a winner. I changed the stitching order, but that's no "nevermind". Since she wanted to bike around Italy, I figured she would need a picnic basket, and I found this neat one that folds out into a serving space. Since she would probably have wine to drink at her picnic, I made some coasters. Thinking she might want to be cooking herself, I made an oven mitt, too. Then she gets to France and will of course need a market apron-which Lou says they really wear in Paris-and browsing through the book stalls she finds an Italian cookbook, and one from Provence. So, I hope she enjoys it because I pretty much forgot to take her colors with me to the fabric store, and these are what I went with.

Now on to the Lucy swap. I'll be mailing mine later than a lot of the folks-I started the apron and then changed my mind about what I wanted to do, and I wanted to keep the first one anyway.....but, I'll definitely make it before the final mailing date.
We're doing BBQ and a movie tonight, so I'm off to set things up.
It was fun putting the package together. The recipient was from the dream vacation swap (before my time swapping-I'm still a newbie) and her dream was cycling through Italy and a food tour of France. I made the wonderful French Flea Market apron from Busy Bee Designs-and this pattern is definitely a winner. I changed the stitching order, but that's no "nevermind". Since she wanted to bike around Italy, I figured she would need a picnic basket, and I found this neat one that folds out into a serving space. Since she would probably have wine to drink at her picnic, I made some coasters. Thinking she might want to be cooking herself, I made an oven mitt, too. Then she gets to France and will of course need a market apron-which Lou says they really wear in Paris-and browsing through the book stalls she finds an Italian cookbook, and one from Provence. So, I hope she enjoys it because I pretty much forgot to take her colors with me to the fabric store, and these are what I went with.
Now on to the Lucy swap. I'll be mailing mine later than a lot of the folks-I started the apron and then changed my mind about what I wanted to do, and I wanted to keep the first one anyway.....but, I'll definitely make it before the final mailing date.
We're doing BBQ and a movie tonight, so I'm off to set things up.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Lots to catch up on!
First things first-go look at the Apron goddesses to see the darling aprons by jillie willie and enter to win-too much fun.
Sarah and I drove to Cleveland last Thursday-and I didn't have computer access so I didn't write anything-and had a busy time! Thursday night she hung out with Grandpa and Grandma Peg while I met Big Lou and about 30 people from my high school class for dinner. Our 40th reunion is this fall, and apparently a bunch of people have been getting together once a month. It was really fun, and a riot to see some of these people I haven't seen for 40 years. Most were from Roosevelt, so the junior high buddies are getting together. Unfortunately, on the way home we hit a deer, the deer was stunned but Miss Lucy took a hit to the bumper and license plate holder--she sort of looks like she has a split lip. the bumper is cracked about 6-8 inches down in the exact middle, and we had to tie one side of the license plate on so we wouldn't lose it. We'll have to wait to get it fixed, thank G-d there wasn't any mechanical damage (knock wood).
Friday we went to the cemetery to visit with Aunt Dorth, it was nice except for the guy mowing the lawn not too far from us. Then we met Alan and Marcia for lunch and they had Zach with them-he is 14 months now and really a cutie!
Saturday we hung out with Grandpa again, spent some time visiting with Arnie and Suzie and Debra, then had dinner with Grandpa and Grandma Peg.
Sunday we went to the stone setting for Big Lou's dad and the rabbi kept it going pretty fast-he said some nice things and still got everyone out of the sun in a half hour. Then we drove back to Maryland and it was pretty pleasant, Sarah dozed and I played cds that I'd never get to play if Lou was in the car....
The best part was that justice was served: there are a lot of obnoxious drivers in MD, and one passed us at about 85-90 mph in one of those cars with the noisy mufflers and rear spoilers. He was weaving in and out of traffic to get wherever faster. About 2 miles after he passed us in Rockville, we saw him pulled over by an unmarked police car. Thank you, G-d.
Work was a little weird today because we couldn't print for the longest time, still can't print to the printer next to me. It's going to be interesting to try and print checks on the master printer tomorrow......
Sarah and I drove to Cleveland last Thursday-and I didn't have computer access so I didn't write anything-and had a busy time! Thursday night she hung out with Grandpa and Grandma Peg while I met Big Lou and about 30 people from my high school class for dinner. Our 40th reunion is this fall, and apparently a bunch of people have been getting together once a month. It was really fun, and a riot to see some of these people I haven't seen for 40 years. Most were from Roosevelt, so the junior high buddies are getting together. Unfortunately, on the way home we hit a deer, the deer was stunned but Miss Lucy took a hit to the bumper and license plate holder--she sort of looks like she has a split lip. the bumper is cracked about 6-8 inches down in the exact middle, and we had to tie one side of the license plate on so we wouldn't lose it. We'll have to wait to get it fixed, thank G-d there wasn't any mechanical damage (knock wood).
Friday we went to the cemetery to visit with Aunt Dorth, it was nice except for the guy mowing the lawn not too far from us. Then we met Alan and Marcia for lunch and they had Zach with them-he is 14 months now and really a cutie!
Saturday we hung out with Grandpa again, spent some time visiting with Arnie and Suzie and Debra, then had dinner with Grandpa and Grandma Peg.
Sunday we went to the stone setting for Big Lou's dad and the rabbi kept it going pretty fast-he said some nice things and still got everyone out of the sun in a half hour. Then we drove back to Maryland and it was pretty pleasant, Sarah dozed and I played cds that I'd never get to play if Lou was in the car....
The best part was that justice was served: there are a lot of obnoxious drivers in MD, and one passed us at about 85-90 mph in one of those cars with the noisy mufflers and rear spoilers. He was weaving in and out of traffic to get wherever faster. About 2 miles after he passed us in Rockville, we saw him pulled over by an unmarked police car. Thank you, G-d.
Work was a little weird today because we couldn't print for the longest time, still can't print to the printer next to me. It's going to be interesting to try and print checks on the master printer tomorrow......
Monday, July 6, 2009
another hot spot
Not only does she have a website (jealousy, jealousy), but she has an Etsy store too! go look at these really cute aprons she's created, and isn't life great that people are continuing the crafts?????
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hmm, sweet, hmmm
Well, the Redhead's mode continued yesterday, but to do what she wanted me to do I had to start in the blue room downstairs because that needs to be where I stage everything from the bedroom.
Do you have any idea how gross damp smelly carpet and padding can be to remove? I started with the still pretty damp sections, and worked almost all day pulling and rolling and tying off. There was a not too bad beige speckled tile under the carpet which they messed up pretty good when they put the carpet down. Most of it seems to come up pretty fast, but under that is the puke green and brown checkerboard like the laundry room has. It is going to be a real pain to pull it up, and then who knows what shape the concrete will be in. But since 3/4 of the carpet is up and out, at least the room doesn't smell like it did after the laundry tub overflowed. so, it will be my project for this week to see how far I can get stuff finished in there.
The steps look great and there is a real texture to them that should make it much easier for LuLu to get up and down.
Today I mostly did sitting down jobs like folding laundry because I was pretty sore from the walk on Friday and yesterday's work: I'm pushing myself, and it feels good, but maybe I pushed a little too hard....I felt pretty crappy most of today.
Do you have any idea how gross damp smelly carpet and padding can be to remove? I started with the still pretty damp sections, and worked almost all day pulling and rolling and tying off. There was a not too bad beige speckled tile under the carpet which they messed up pretty good when they put the carpet down. Most of it seems to come up pretty fast, but under that is the puke green and brown checkerboard like the laundry room has. It is going to be a real pain to pull it up, and then who knows what shape the concrete will be in. But since 3/4 of the carpet is up and out, at least the room doesn't smell like it did after the laundry tub overflowed. so, it will be my project for this week to see how far I can get stuff finished in there.
The steps look great and there is a real texture to them that should make it much easier for LuLu to get up and down.
Today I mostly did sitting down jobs like folding laundry because I was pretty sore from the walk on Friday and yesterday's work: I'm pushing myself, and it feels good, but maybe I pushed a little too hard....I felt pretty crappy most of today.
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Wonderful Day
Today I took a walk with Vera, my neighbor, and we rambled over 3 miles, mostly on the Capitol Crescent Trail. It was great, even thebikers were polite for a change. We talked about all kinds of stuff and just enjoyed the beautiful day.
When I got home, the Redhead was in serious fix-up mode; and got us to go to HD and get paint for the stairway to the basement. She finished the whole thing in a short time; it looks fantastic. I think she wants to paint my bedroom next....
today was just one of those great days you want to save up and pull out to enjoy another time. I hope tomorrow will be the same.
When I got home, the Redhead was in serious fix-up mode; and got us to go to HD and get paint for the stairway to the basement. She finished the whole thing in a short time; it looks fantastic. I think she wants to paint my bedroom next....
today was just one of those great days you want to save up and pull out to enjoy another time. I hope tomorrow will be the same.
OH-I am (almost) speechless!
OMG is al(most) all I can say right now: I am the featured apronista today at The Apron Goddesses, I also want everyone to know I have lost about 5 pounds since that picture was taken... It was taken presurgery, and even though Righty and Lefty didn't weigh that much, I am losing some weight on my own right now!!
Tara over at Tinkerfrog was my secret partner for that swap-I think she did a great job on that apron and I love it.
We're off to Home Depot to get special paint for the steps to the basement so LuLu won't slip on them anymore; the Redhead is ready to paint!
Tara over at Tinkerfrog was my secret partner for that swap-I think she did a great job on that apron and I love it.
We're off to Home Depot to get special paint for the steps to the basement so LuLu won't slip on them anymore; the Redhead is ready to paint!
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