Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring has come

Can't take any pictures to prove it since I can't find my camera, but spring has definitely come to Maryland! The crocus started last Wednesday, quickly followed by the snowdrops and hellebore. Last Thursday as we left for Ohio, two daffs were open; when we got home last evening--there was an explosion of yellow and white in the flower beds. It has rained for the last 24 hours, and my allergies kicked in full force this morning, but I don't care because spring has finally come.

Of course, with spring comes Passover. Since the bandies will be coming down to the district for the spring break week-they just miss the cherry blossom festival-there has been a request for a seder. We will do it in the true O household style, but hopefully this year we will not have people balancing spoons on their noses. We did a test run of the major foods and took them into Ohio over the weekend, and they were GREATLY appreciated. Tomorrow after work starts the reorganization of the house to accommodate company. I really need to get my sewing in one space, my books in the bookcase, and the bedroom cleared out for company. it will be a major effort, but it will get done. Ah, I know you all are snickering, how many times have you heard this before? But, i have this feeling that this might just be the lucky time it happens!! Don't burst my bubble.

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